Senin, 21 Mei 2012


·         Psychology is the study of mental processes, behavior, and the relationship between them.
·         Mental processes include skills like learning, reasoning, emotion, and motivation
·         To study psychology is to learn how humans and other organisms think understand, learn, perceive, feel, act, and interact with others.
        Because psychology encompasses human and social issues as well as biological   a   and physiological ones, it is categorized as both a natural and social science.
·          As a natural science, psychology is concerned with the laws of nature.
·         As a social science, psychology involves the study of the laws of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of humans and other organisms.
·         The focus of psychology is generally on the individual, whether alone or in interaction with others and the environment.
        Psychologists profit from insights into human behavior offered by other disciplines. Important examples are biology and computer science.
·         Psychology shares a focus on human behavior with other social-scientific disciplines, such as sociology and anthropology.
·         Sociologists generally investigate larger aggregates of individuals, such as occupational, societal, economic, or ethnic groups.
·         Cultural anthropologists seek to gain insight into various cultures.
·         Physical anthropologists study human evolution from simpler organisms.

Source :

vocabulary list :
1.  behavior            = perilaku
2. disciplines           = disiplin
3.  nature                = alam/sifat
4. thoughts             = pemikiran
5. insights              = wawasan
6. anthropologists  = ahli anthropologi
7. environment      = lingkungan
8. interact             = mempengaruhi
9. aggregates        = kumpulan
10. investigate      = menyelidiki

exercise : 

1. What is psychology?
2.  In generally psychology focus on what ?

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