Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

08. kid get phobia and phobia treated

Kid get phobia and phobia treated

No one really knows exactly why certain kids get phobias. Some scientists think that a person's genes may have something to do with it, and that a kid who has a social phobia might have a parent with one, too. Sometimes a traumatic thing in a kid's life - like the death of a parent, dealing with a divorce, or a big move can cause a phobia to start.

Scientists do know some things about phobias, though. They know that about 5 out of 100 people in the United States have one or more phobias. Women are slightly more likely to have phobias than men. Most social phobias start when a person is a teenager, although this and other kinds of phobias can also start when a kid is younger.
Kids who have phobias often start by seeing their doctors. In many cases, the doctor will suggest that the kid visit a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist. If a kid is diagnosed with a phobia, one of these specialists can help.

Some kids will take medications that help them better handle their phobias. Sometimes a kid can learn new ways of dealing with the phobia. This could include relaxation exercises that help the kid feel more in control. Part of handling the phobia may be facing it head on.

For instance, part of Marisa's treatment might be riding on an elevator, though she might start slowly by just watching other people get on an elevator or just stepping inside with the doors open.
Depending on the kid and how severe the phobia is, treatment can take weeks, months, or longer. In the meantime, the important thing to remember is that phobias can be treated, and kids can learn to deal with them and feel more in control of their lives.

Vocabulary list :

1.      Scientist                                   = ahli ilmu pengetahuan
2.      Genes                                      = plasma pembawa sifat
3.      Divorce                                   =  perceraian
4.      Psychiatrist                              = dokter penyakit jiwa/psikiater
5.      Diagnosed                               = menentukan diagnose
6.      Depending                               = tergantung
7.      Dealing                                    = berhadapan
8.      Handling                                  = pegangan/tangkai
9.      Stepping                                  = melangkah
10.  Relation                                   = pelemasan/pengendoran

Exercise :
1.      Why Do Kids Get Phobias?
2.       How Are Phobias Treated?

Complete the missing word with the suitable word best on the text!

Kids who have(1) . . . . . . often start by seeing their doctors. In many(2) . . . . . , the doctor will suggest that the kid visit a(3) . . . . . . , psychiatrist, or (4). . . . . If a kid is diagnosed with a phobia, one of these(5) . . . . . can help.
Some kids will take(6) . . . . . .  that help them better handle their phobias. Sometimes a kid can(7). . . . . . new ways of dealing with the phobia. This could include(8) . . . . . .  exercises that help the kid(9) . . . . . .  more in control. Part of(10) . . . . . . the phobia may be facing it head on.

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