Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

5. Understanding Unreasonable Fear

Understanding Unreasonable Fear

Psychological phobias are what most people think of when the term “phobia” is mentioned; an intense and unreasonable fear, despite clear evidence that such fear is not necessary. There are hundreds of different psychological phobias that can appear in patients for different reasons. When a person has a psychological phobia, they will often experience:
  • Feelings of terror or dread
  • Intense anxiety when near the object of the phobia
  • Panic attacks
  • Difficult in social situations (depending on the prevalence of the phobia)
It can be hard to understand why a person with a psychological phobia is afraid or why they act unreasonably, but that’s the nature of the phobia itself. If you or someone you know has a psychological phobia, it can be very helpful to seek treatment and to look for therapy and counseling.
A psychological phobia can be caused by a traumatic experience, but no direct contact with the object of the phobia is necessary. Many people will get arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, without ever encountering a dangerous spider. Phobias usually begin as a person perceives danger from a certain source. The person then amplifies that danger and begins to obsess on the source of that danger.
There has been a great deal of evidence to suggest that many phobias are caused by genetic factors or by social pressures. A therapist will try to work with a patient with psychological phobias to discover the reason for the condition, as this is an essential step towards forming a treatment plan for persons with phobias.

Vocabularies list :

1.      Evidence                     = Fakta-Fakta
2.      Dread                         = Ketakutan
3.      Amplifies                    = Menjelaskan
4.      Prevalence                  = Kelaziman
5.      Perceives                    = Merasa
6.      Genetic                       = Azas keturunan
7.      Traumatic                    = Trauma
8.      Pressure                      = Tekanan
9.      Encountering               = temu
10.  Treatment                    = cara pengobatan

Exercise :

1)      What Causes a Psychological Phobia?
2)       What is the cause of phobia Physiology?
3)       When a person has a psychological phobia?
4)      Whether a person phobia comes from his experience?
5)       What is Psychological Phobia?

4. Fighting Phobias, The Things That Go BUmp In the Mind

Fighting Phobias, The Things That Go Bump in the Mind

A person can develop a specific phobia of anything, but in most cases the phobia is shared by many and has a name. Animal phobias--cynophobia (dogs), equinophobia (horses), zoophobia (all animals)--are common. So are arachnophobia (spiders) and ophidiophobia (snakes). And, of course, there's the fear of flying (pterygophobia), heights (acrophobia), and confined spaces (claustrophobia). 
"One of the most common phobias is the fear of dentists [odontiatophobia]," says Sheryl Jackson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "People who suffer with this phobia will literally let their teeth rot out because they are afraid to go to a dentist." 
Jackson says that most specific phobias do not cause a serious disruption in a person's life, and, consequently, sufferers do not seek professional help. Instead, they find ways to avoid whatever it is that triggers their panic, or they simply endure the distress felt when they encounter it. Some may also consult their physicians, requesting medication to help them through a situation, such as an unavoidable plane trip for someone who is phobic about flying. 
Some phobias cause significant problems that require long-term professional help. "People usually seek treatment when their phobia interferes in their lives, the person who turns down promotions because he knows public speaking will be required, someone who must travel frequently but who is afraid of flying, or a woman who wants to have children but who has a fear of pain or blood. These are the people who seek long-term treatment," says Jackson. 
First, the patient and therapist establish a hierarchy of feared situations, from the least to the most feared. For someone who fears elevators, for example, stepping onto the elevator causes a certain level of anxiety; going up one flight causes another level of anxiety. With each additional flight the anxiety increases until it becomes intolerable. Therapy begins with the patient and therapist practicing the least fearful event, riding out the anxiety until the physiological symptoms subside. This step is repeated until the anxiety level is acceptable. Then the person progresses to the next step in the hierarchy. Each successive step is repeated until the physical reactions and anxious mood decrease to the point where the person can step onto an elevator and ride to the top floor without panicking. 

Source : http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps1609/www.fda.gov/fdac/features/1997/297bump.html 

 Vocabularies list :

1.      Phobia                        = Ketakutan
2.      Dentisy                       = Dokter gigi
3.      Disruption                   = Gangguan
4.      Endure                        = Menahan
5.      Panicking                    = Membikin panik
6.      Treatment                    = pengobatan
7.      Riding                         = mengendari
8.      Hierarchy                    = Hirarki
9.      Elevator                      = Pelayan
10.  Disruption                   = Gangguan

Exercise :
1.    Mention the animals phobia ?
2.    What the Jackson says about phobia ?
3.    When does the therapy do to phobia  ?
4.What the solution for a pregnant mother that afraid at blood?
Complete the missing word with the suitable word best on the text! 
Some (1) . . . . . . cause significant problems that require long-term professional help. "People usually seek (2) . . . . . .  when their phobia interferes in their lives, the(3) . . . . . . who turns down promotions because he knows(4) . . . . . .  Speaking will be (5)  . . . . . . , someone who must travel frequently but who is (6)  . . . . . . of flying, or a woman who wants to have (7)  . . . . . .  but who has a(8) . . . . . .  of  pain or (9). These are the people who seek long-term (10) . . . . . .," says Jackson.

3. Introduction to Psychology (Phobias)

A phobia is an inappropriate sense of anxiety or fear triggered by exposure to a specific object or situation. People with phobias have a strong desire to avoid whatever it is that is causing their fears.
There are three main types of phobia: Specific or Simple phobias, Agoraphobia, Social phobia. Firstly, Specific or simple phobias are very common in children, where they are essentially thought of as normal. But some phobias carry on until adult life. These specific phobias can be divided up as fears of: animals, nature, blood, certain situations. Secondly, Agoraphobia means a fear of open spaces. However, it's often used to refer to a fear of being away from home and family, often because of worry about having a panic attack. Thirdly, Social phobia occurs when there is an excessive fear of social situations, such as small groups of people at parties.

There are several different theories about why phobias develop. They do seem to run in families. But how much this is to do with picking up phobias from your parents and how much is inherited through your genes is uncertain. Young babies seem to be naturally afraid of animals such as snakes and of heights for instance, even though they need to learn to be afraid of man-made objects such as guns. So there is probably a natural fear response that gave our ancestors a survival advantage. It's possible that when phobias develop this natural fear response has gone wrong. Sometimes the start of a phobia may be triggered by a stressful life event, such as bereavement, illness or divorce. It might be possible to avoid phobias by encouraging children to face up to feared situations rather than stay away from them. However, this doesn't always work.
Vocabularies list :
1.      Inappropriate              =Tidak tepat /pantas
2.      Carry                         = Membawa
3.      Agoraphobia              = Takut pada ruang terbuka
4.      Survival                      = Peninggalan
5.      Triggered                    = Pemicu
6.      Inherited                     = menerima warisan
7.      Bereavement              = kehilangan
8.      Ancestors                   = leluhur/nenek moyang
9.      Picking                       = memetik/mengambil
1.     Attack                         = serangan/penyrbuan

Exercise :
1.      What is the phobia?
2.      There are many types of phobia?
3.      What does the different theory about why phobia develop?
4. What is different between simple phobia, Agoraphobia, and Social phobia?
          Complete the missing letter bellow!
1.      A   _  _  R  _ P _ O _ _ A
2.      A _ T _ C  _
3.      A _ X _ _ T _
4.      T _ _ G _ _ R _ D
5.       _ _ C _ S _ O _ S
6.      B _ O _ D
7.      B _ _ E _ V E _ _ N _
8.      A _ _ M _ L
9.      _ I V O _ C _
10.  D _ _ E _ _ P

2. psychological approach

psychological approach

A psychological approach seems well suited to criticism of prose and poetry dealing with childhood experiences. Indeed, Whitman's "There Was a Child Went Forth" declares a view of unfolding experience that describes the very formation of a personal psychology and makes for appreciating the importance of shaping childhood experience carefully so as not to "misshape" the child. For it is not only the first object that the child looks upon that he becomes but every object and image and emotional experience. Whitman begins with an account of the natural world, with flora and fauna, fish and fowl, the whole of the natural environment containing and to an extent determining the child's experience of the world.
In addition to the relatively innocuous natural environment, the child encounters other human beings, and his perceptions of their natures and difference color his world view as well. Not every personal encounter is innocuous, of course, and as the poem progresses the images begin almost to tumble and encroach on one another. What begins with a reference to "early lilacs" (5) as a simple, deceptively and sentimental lyric of innocent childhood gradually develops into an increasingly busy array of image and sound: "Men and women crowding fast in the streets, if they are not flashes and specks what are they? / The streets themselves and the facades of houses, and goods in the windows, / Vehicles, teams the heavy-planked wharves, the huge crossings at the ferries" (30-32). L

 Source : http://allpsych.com/journal/phobias.html
Vocabularies list :
1.      Declares                      = mengumumkan
2.      Misshape                     = Bentuk yang tak serasi
3.      Innocuous                   = tidak berbahaya
4.      Deceptively                 = Penuh tipuan
5.      Vehicles                      = Wahana
6.      Wharf                          = Dermaga
7.      Flashes                        = cahaya/kilasan
8.      Huge                           = sangat besar
9.      Encounter                    = pertemuan
10.  Encroach                     = Melanggar batas

focus on reading

Exercise :
1.  what is the opinion of  Whitman about psychology approach?
2.  what is main idea of second paragraph? 
3.  what you conclude after reading this passage?
4.  the word innocent means that?
5.   the pronoun it the fourth line refers to?

01. the importance of psychology

The importance of psychology
Psychology is important as it helps me in understanding myself better, it helps me to perceive things positively and it assists me in determining the things that I enjoy doing the most and the kind of stuff I like to write about. It also contribute a lot of great help in the way I handle things in life, the way I face challenges and problems that occurs at an unexpected time and of course the way I make decisions in my everyday living.
Psychology is important as it is concerned with the study of behavior and mental processes and at the same time, it is also applied to many different things in human life. Everything we perform is very much related to or with psychology. Psychology, primarily studies who and what we are, why we are like that, why we act and think like that and what we could be as a person.
“Yes” The study of human behavior and the mind is intriquing. In addition, people tend to live busy lives without stopping or having time for stopping to think of emotions or analyse situations/experiences and how they drive our choices and lives. Often we allow our emotions to control or drive/control our lives rather than to stop, analyse, or think things through and make decisions based upon this analysis.

Emotions may result in devastating decisions while choices based upon a thorough analysis may result in positive emotions and outcome. In additon, various researchers have studied a wide variety of family illnesses and indiviual mental illnesses, and this information along with experienced professionals are available to assist as needed with the knowledge of past and recent studies.
                                                                        Source : http://allpsych.com/journal/phobias.html
Vocabulary list :
1.      Challenges                   = Tantangan
2.      Decision                      = Keputusan
3.      Available                     = Tersedia
4.      Perceive                       = Merasa
5.      Devastate                    = Merusak
6.      Illnesses                       = Macam-macam penyakit
7.      Challenge                    = Tantangan
8.      Assist                          = Bantuan
9.      Thorough                     = Teliti
10.  Researchers                 = Penelitian

Exercise :
1.      Why is the psychology important to study?
2.   How important the psychology for our life?
3.   What is main idea of third paragraph?
4.   It in the second line refers to?
5.   Do you agree about the content of this passage, give your opinion! 

2.      find the synonym and antonym word bellow!
1.  Positive
2.  Devastating
3.  Often
4.  Challenge
5.  Problem 

Senin, 21 Mei 2012


·         Psychology is the study of mental processes, behavior, and the relationship between them.
·         Mental processes include skills like learning, reasoning, emotion, and motivation
·         To study psychology is to learn how humans and other organisms think understand, learn, perceive, feel, act, and interact with others.
        Because psychology encompasses human and social issues as well as biological   a   and physiological ones, it is categorized as both a natural and social science.
·          As a natural science, psychology is concerned with the laws of nature.
·         As a social science, psychology involves the study of the laws of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of humans and other organisms.
·         The focus of psychology is generally on the individual, whether alone or in interaction with others and the environment.
        Psychologists profit from insights into human behavior offered by other disciplines. Important examples are biology and computer science.
·         Psychology shares a focus on human behavior with other social-scientific disciplines, such as sociology and anthropology.
·         Sociologists generally investigate larger aggregates of individuals, such as occupational, societal, economic, or ethnic groups.
·         Cultural anthropologists seek to gain insight into various cultures.
·         Physical anthropologists study human evolution from simpler organisms.

Source : http://www.psychoid.net/study-psychology-dealing.html

vocabulary list :
1.  behavior            = perilaku
2. disciplines           = disiplin
3.  nature                = alam/sifat
4. thoughts             = pemikiran
5. insights              = wawasan
6. anthropologists  = ahli anthropologi
7. environment      = lingkungan
8. interact             = mempengaruhi
9. aggregates        = kumpulan
10. investigate      = menyelidiki

exercise : 

1. What is psychology?
2.  In generally psychology focus on what ?