Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

06. Panic attack of phobia

Panic attack of phobia
A phobia (say: of-bee-uh) is the fancy name for a fear. But a phobia isn't just any kind of fear. It's normal for kids to be afraid of things — like taking a hard test at school, passing a growling dog on the street, or hearing a huge clap of thunder.
A phobia is different because it is an extremely strong fear of a situation or thing. It is also a kind of fear that doesn't go away. Kids who have a phobia will be afraid of something every time they see or experience it. They won't just be afraid once or twice. Kids who have phobias often go out of their way to avoid the situation or thing that scares them.
That's why Marisa had to take the stairs. She has a phobia of being in closed-in spaces and was too scared to take the elevator. Sometimes, when forced to face what's scary, a kid with a phobia might get very nervous and have a panic attack.
Panic attacks can be really scary and may make someone shake, sweat, and breathe quickly. Some people who have panic attacks might have chest pains, feel dizzy, or feel like their hearts are pounding and they can't breathe.
A panic attack can cause a kid to think something awful is going to happen, that he or she can't escape or might lose control. Some kids who have panic attacks say that when the attacks are happening, they feel like they can't think straight or that they're "going crazy."
Panic attacks only last a short time. But to somebody who is having one, they can feel much longer. Sometimes, even a kid who knows that the phobia doesn't make sense may not be able to stop the mind and body from reacting and having a panic attack.

Source :
Vocabulary list:
1.      Fancy                          = khayalan                                          
2.      Fear                             = ketakutan
3.      Breathe                        = menghirup
4.      Dizzy                           = pausing
5.      Panic                           = kepanikan
6.      Attack                         = serangan
7.      Scary                           = menakutkan
8.      Elevator                       = lift/boy pelayan
9.      Straight                       = lulus/sebenarnya
10.  Afraid                         = takut/ketakutan


1.      What's a Phobia?
2.      What's a Panic Attack Like?
3.      Is the panic attack really fear any one?
4.      Is panic attack can occur to kid?
5.      How the children felling when they get a panic attack?
6.   Different kinds of phobia ? 
7.   Why do kids get phobia ? 
8.   How are phobia treated?

Scramble words!
1.    O – A – B – H – P – I                                =
2.    G – W – R – G –I – N – O                        =
3.    E – R – T – A – H                                      =
4.    K – T – A –T – C – A                                =
5.    R – T – O – V – A – E – L – E                  =
6.    Z – I – Y – Z – D                                       =
7.    E – H – T – A –E –R – B                           =
8.    K – A – T – A – C – T                               =
9.    T – G – H – S – I – R – T –A                     =
10.    Y – N – C – F – A                                      =

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